Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Research Rough draft Comments

You do a good job picking quotes from "Psychology of Fraud"  (notice article title in quotes) and explaining them.  You also do a decent job linking it to why people don't tell on cheaters.
NOW, you need to write up the rest of your research from your other articles.  Your conclusion states that people cheat because they want fun, are bored, or mad, but none of your paragraphs show the research to support this.  You also need one specific case of a person cheating on their significant  other.

You have done a good job of explaining three cases of dishonesty at the university level.  Good progress there!
You need to clearly state where all of your info came from -- Article title and author.  Give this info for each case.
Again, your conclusion is that these people lie to protect the reputation of the schools, but nothing in your research proves this.  You don't have any articles to back up the why.  "Psychology of Fraud" would certainly be helpful here, as well as the other research you should have. Also, the case of the Kean University president shows that he lied before he even got the job, so he wouldn't have been protecting the reputation yet!

Lots of information here, and a strong point of view is well expressed.
In the intro you need to make sure to explain  what Fast and Furious was in general terms : supposed to be a sting operation, but in reality was a way of the the ATF to run guns and drugs to groups deemed"helpful" to our government.  Something short and succinct like that.
Next, be careful to give credit for all exact words AND paraphrased ideas. 2nd paragraph you quoted more than you indicated.  3rd paragraph needs a source.   5th paragraph The first sentence is a major run-on -- sort it out.  Conclusion: last line seems abrupt based on what came right before!

Please correct Works Cited as discussed in class!

Lots of good information and well written.
A few points: Article Titles belong in quotes even in the internal citations.
You didn't use "Psychology of Fraud" even though it clearly fits in with the "job" part.
Your conclusion states that one of the reasons is the need for the spotlight -- I didn't see this anywhere in the body!!

You are absolutely on the right track, and reading your paper is a pleasure.
A few minor details:
Be sure to note where your quotation ends (you often only put the first quotation mark).
In your second paragraph, I think that the Lamar Pierce quote comes from the 'Psychology of Fraud" so that is where you need to also give credit.  You could do something like Spiegel quotes Pierce as telling us...
Last paragraph: put  the internal citation in a parenthesis.  Explain who Toby Groves is for an audience that hasn't read that article.
Looking good....

I have several students who would like to interview  you for their papers.
Oh, the irony.
Right now about 2 paragraphs of this paper were written by you; the rest is all cut and pastes from different articles.
You need to paraphrase and summarize the stories of the cheating wives and then give credit for each and every story as well as lines like"The road to infidelity is paved with...."

Very clearly writing; I think you may be in need of a wee bit of expansion here!
The article you choose from the "Psychology of Fraud" doesn't really fit with the case you have chosen.  Look more carefully at that article and really mine some ideas from it about cognitive limitations to use in the analysis of the Zimmerman case.  Additionally, you might add a second case that could illuminate either the "laziness" or "confused morals".
Remember to write Zimmerman's lie (show possession)
When you explain the Zimmerman case and what was said in the court proceedings please give credit to the source that you read it in!

Please refer to the paragraphs I handed back today for some of the grammar rules.
You have pulled two interesting points from the Oppenheimer article, but you haven't used any other sources.  You need to do more work on building some more paragraphs to support your conclusion that people are looking for excitement, or from what is missing in their current marriage.  Also, remember to use the "Psychology of Fraud" article.

Your title is confusing where it says "on essential eliminating jobs".
Lots of good info.
You need a source for the info about the recesion in the second paragraph.In the seventh paragraph you need to explain what "the honesty program" is.  You need another specific example of dishonesty when it comes to job creation otherwise you will get bogged down in generalities again.
Don't forget to use "The Psychology of Fraud".

From the paragraphs you gave me so far, make sure each point you make ties make to your main question.

Your first paragraph could tie in to the part of "Psychology of Fraud" where it talks about we lie because we care.

In the first "why" paragraph block the long quote.
In the last paragraph "but another reason is" is actually the beginning of a new paragraph!!

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